Legal advance information

The production of the goods (marked in the shop as goods to be manufactured especially for the customer, e.g. flags, books, clothing, displays) takes place via a work contract and does not involve retrieving stock items. That is why very short-term delivery dates are not possible! The goods ordered with the order will only be manufactured if all the conditions specified in the terms and conditions are met (e.g. and, among other things, receipt of payment and / or approval for printing). All purchases will be completed with an invoice.

Anyone who downloads or copies the symbols and images shown on this domain is obliged to report this download to the operator of this domain. The images are works and as such are intellectual property, partly creations and singular arrangements, even if free data available on the internet have been incorporated into the works. Copying, duplicating and reconstructing requires the consent of the operator of this domain.

The graphics and symbols shown on this domain do not under any circumstances constitute a criminal offense in accordance with § 86 and § 86a of the Criminal Code. The shop serves a buy-oriented public within the background of science, research, teaching, reporting on current affairs and history. A connection to § 86a (1) and (2) is therefore not possible in terms of the legal object, because this shop is neither a representative nor a projection of a party, an association, an organization or substitute organization, a government, an association or an establishment, nor is this domain a propaganda tool.
